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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 20, 2011
(CUC)-cleaner shrimp,peppermint shrimp,emerald crab,3 red hermits,2 blue hermits, and about 8 assorted snails plus mabey a small starfish. (regular stock)-2 ocellaris clownfish,bi-colored blenny,and a blue chromis, do you think this will be alright and i would like one more fish so do you think i could fit one more small fish if so any suggestions? I would like something colorfull and calm.
Everything looks good except for the chromis. Chromis like to be in groups, and you don't have the room or bio-load in that tank to stock a group of chromis. I would say four fish max for that tank since clowns put a huge dent in your bio-load. I would suggest a firefish instead of the chromis and stop there.
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