What do Orchid Dottybacks eat?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 30, 2004
Central Pennsylvania
Orchid Dottyback (Fridmani Pseudochromi)

I have one in QT now, but I'm not sure it's eating. I've tried:

Kent Reef carnivore pellets
Hikari Marine S pellets

I've just not seen it eating, as the pellets seem to remain on the bottom of the tank until I syphon them off during water changes.

What do you feed your Dottyback?
I find new fish do not do that well with pellet foods when first introduced to any tank. Try some mysis soaked in garlic or some type of meat based marine flake and see if you have any better luck with that. Generally something that stays floating in the water column a bit should help.

I've got one in QT now. It does fine with flakes. I usually drop some into the return water flow to get it flowing thru the water in plain sight. That brings him out of his little pvc pipe hiding spot. Does well with frozen Formula One and Two also.
For hiding places I have 2 large PVC pipes, and he/she is in and out of them all the time. I've got her to eat Formula One (Frozen) and Cyclop-eze flake. Just 2 more weeks in QT!
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