Will Snails Foul Up The Tank??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 13, 2004
Rossville. Ga
If you remember in an earlier thread, I ordered some snails from ebay. They came yesterday all 56 of them. I followed the acclimation procedure given in the instructions. It said when I place them in the tank, place then in the corner so that I will be able to tell if they have moved and are alive. I placed them in the main tank last night. Well tonight 24 hrs later, they have not moved at all, I dont think. Are they dead?

Will they foul the tank?

Shoul I remove them?

Yes they will foul the tank. If none have moved you'd better keep a close eye on them and your water stats. Take some out and see if you can manipulate a response from them. If they are dead, by chance, they will quickly foul your water.
I would think at least some should have. IME, I have never had snails not move at all after acclimation. I usually acclimate snails by holding them against the glass at the water line, wait for them to attach, then let them acclimate themselves, dipping in and out of the water as they need. Some are shy and must be dripped acclimated, but most of the time they grab right on to the glass.
Keep a close eye on them, and water params. I've never ordered from ebay, but I have heard some horror stories....
This guy has like over 250 feed backs. All but 4 were good. The 4 that were bad, had to deal with shipping, in which I think 3 were resolved. He said he will replace all if they die. I am really worried about not messing up my tank.
Agree with MT79, you don't need a fouling tank. Maybe you should pick through them to see which ones may be dead.
Poke and prod them, if they react they go back in...if not odds are they are gone. If you have a qt you could put the "unsure" ones in there.
I got some lyssanus (spelling) from ebay. The dark brown/black shells. Anyways I dumped them into the tank and they took off instantly.
It looks like a couple of them are totally out of there shell. Little pieces of meat.

Also I got a dead hermit out of shell.
Well when they arrived the heat of the water pack they were in, was comparable to the haet of a hot bath. :?
I know you qt tank is full. Maybe you can take a bucket of tank water and put the snails in it for now with an airstone or small ph until you are sure.
Ya, thats what I was thinking.

I will put them in a bucket to make sure.

How long do I have before they foul the tank?
If they are dead- they are fouling the tank, especially when considering that they were dead before you added them judging by your comments. Remove them ASAP.
Well there out. They stink too. I put them in a gallon container of tank water, and the wter stinks. Do you think my tank is ok? It is a 75g tank.
Sounds like if you're worried, a water change is in order. Perhaps a decent size one since they were in the tank overnight.

Test the params and decide from there if you need another one the next day or not. Do what you can, but don't change things too quickly unless you have a reason to.
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