yellow tand an bi color angel

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 27, 2008
phenix city alabama
Hey guys how well does a bicolor angel and a yellow tang normally get along should this small tank dispute i am having settle shortly i just introduced the bicolor a few min ago and the yellow tang is pesterig him altho the bicolor is not taking the hint to leave that side of the tank he will not travel across the tank away from the tang
its 230 now i am going to turn my lights off for a few hours try and let both fish calm their butts down and then turn the lights back on around 530 thats three hours of darkness to try ang let each one settle down
the tang is just letting the angel know who is boss in the tank, give it overnight and see what happens..............
i am going to also try puttin a algae sheet for the tang to distract him some wat you think? the bad thing is size wise i believe the angel could take on the tang if he wanted to but he is being passive just swimming and being scared as the tang attacks with his rear fin
keep a close eye i wouldn't feed them......... it may make things worse competing for food. I would leave tem to settle overnight and see how in the morning.
sounds like a, " i was here first" type situation, the tang might feel cramped due to the addition of a similarly sized fish and their nature of swimming all over the place.
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