swamp darter?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 9, 2012
does any body know what a swamp darter is? a friend of mine said it would go well in my tank
I tried keeping a few one time but I couldn't keep the tank cold enough for their liking. What is your tank set up?
A swamp darter is a fish native to your area (and mine) and is found in typically swampy stagnant areas, although I've also found them in fairly clear water creeks among vegetation. I don't think that the darters local to this area (except the ones found around the aquifer) are cold water only, but most others are, like my favorite, the rainbow darter.

There are a few other more colorful variants that I've found as well, but florida really doesn't have much diversity for darters like they do up north.

swamp darter (Etheostoma fusiforme) - FactSheet
ive got a teenie one gallon with my betta in it. hopefully movin up in size and if i do id like a swamp darter they are cute. and they dont get very large. will my bettas water be too warm for it?
darters won't work in a one gallon, they like to dart around. I'd say minimum would be a 30.
I agree, definitely a larger tank. I've kept them in 20L and 29g's. They aren't very active fish, but do like a well planted tank and spend a lot of time propped up behind or under something. Some of the darters I've collected by shuffling through rocks in fast moving creeks, these swamp darters not so much, but they still seem to like a well structured scenario. They are very goby-like in behavior.
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