aggressive neon tetras

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 7, 2014
I have a betta
4 corys
2 small brittlenose plecos
6 neons

I started off with 4 neons and lots of people told me they need to be in groups of 6 or more so I went ahead and brought 2 more neons to make 6 all together. Ive noticed they nip my bettas tail and they chase/nip after eachother. They never did this when I had only 4. Its only been since I added the two new neons. Will this stop?
What your seeing is typical tetra behavior. I have 18 neons and they take spells of play where they spin/flare at each other, chase and actually ram into each other. After years of watching all sorts of tetras do this, IMO it's more play than fighting as I hardly ever see any real actual damage. The larger tetras like Serpaes and Black Skirts will actually nip fins when they get in one of their "moods" especially with fish that have long, slow moving fins. OS.
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