Alagae eater for 10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 9, 2011
In the tank I have 4 male guppy's 2 African dwarf frogs and 10 ghost shrimp. Im looking for a snail or fish that only eats algae and doesnt harm live plants and will live peacefully with my current stock.
I have 2 mystery snails in my 20 gallon. I've had them in a 10 before. They leave my plants alone and eat the algae off tubes and decorations. I have african dwarf frogs, ghost shrimp, cory cats, and neon tetras.
Okay how about Malaysian trumpet snails do you have any experience with these will look into mystery snails though.
Okay I will look at those but cam anyone give me some info on Malaysian trumpet snails.
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