Anyone else have funny fish?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 10, 2014
A week or so ago, I fed my betta was not coming to eat, even though he is always the first to the food, beating even the harlequin rasboras. So I looked around the tank. And I saw him stuck in the little hole in the back of a clay pot that is in the tank! :facepalm: I had to take a hammer and break the pot with him still in it to get him out! The fish is okay, with just a little scratch. He probably wont swim into small crevices anymore though, after his terrifying experience. Anyone else have crazy fish stories?
I had a rope fish which made himself out of the wire holes on the lid and couldn't see him anywhere then 3 days later I found him round the back of the tank all stiff like a toy snake

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I had a neon tetra jump out of the tank into my water change bucket and was in there for longer then a day and survive with only half his body in a few drops of water. How he didn't dry up and turn into a crispy little chip surprises me. But just a few days ago I found a crispy neon on the floor :( haha hopefully it wasn't the same one

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My diamond tetra jumped out when he was younger, through the smallest gap in the hood near the back :p I heard him flopping around behind the tank, and somehow managed to get him back in the water. After coughing out twice his body weight in dust - he was fine ;) He's 4 years old now. Crazy little guy :p

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I had a betta get stuck in a small hole in one of those coconut shell halves. The betta was about half grown, and the hole was about as big around as a pencil. I had to pull her out gently. First tried one way, didn't work. Pulled the other way, and out she came. Had a few scratches on her head, but she was fine. The second one was not so lucky. She got her head stuck in between the gravel, and by the time I found her, she was already gone. You were lucky! Some fish just seem to be a lot more accident prone.
I had a baby yellow lab school with a group of lemon tetras. He is now in a cichlid tank. I put him in there to grow out a bit.
I had I small cory I'd just bought that got stuck in a holle and he wasn't moving so I thought he was dead. I took him downstairs to the sink to get him out(walking slowly of course) and his tail starts flopping so I run back to the tank and poked him out. And he acted like nothing ever happened.

Another time my betta got under the UGF. I have no I dea how

My ice blue cichlid got stuck in a cichlid stone I bought online. I freaked out and called my boyfriend and told him I had an emergency so he rushed home to pull a fish out of a ceramic stone. Very little damage, and I took the small stones out. He still enjoys going in the big ones however.

I also had a HOLDING female dragon blood jump out of the tank when I was trying to catch her to move her to a separate tank so she wouldn't be stressed. She held the babies nice and tight and ended up holding 18 days before I stripped her.

Anyway those are my crazy stories. :)

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A baby lab schooling with lemon tetras! Too cute--I wish I'd been able to see that!

It really was he would sometime take a break along the bottom and then right back up into the middle of the group.
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