anyone want some bottled tap water that is 2ppm ammonia =)?

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i'll gladly send you some =). the lady at the city water treatment lab even said "our water will kill your fish with ammonia =)"

great tank starter =)

that's nuts! i wonder, can that amount of ammonia be harmful to humans? makes you wonder what else is in your water... where are you from?
florida. space coast area.

everything here is terrible like this =) but i do love where i live
I live in florida too, but on the other coast - I'm in clearwater. It took me about forever to get used to drinking the tap water (and I can only drink it if its loaded with ice - somehow the cold kills the horrible taste).
They use chloramines to treat the water but once treated it tests at 0 for ammonia. I can't believe the ammonia levels in your water ! I've been following your threads.
I can't imagine that water with that level of ammonia is healthy ! while you're out getting R/O water for your tank will you be getting some for yourself ?
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