Aww man

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 21, 2005
hanson ky
Disaster :(

We've been hit by a major ice storm in western KY. My power has now been out for 3 days. Been staying at the mother in laws to keep from freezeing to death. I knew it would be bad but I held out hope. Any way swung buy the house last night to pick up some cloths. Checked on my fish and everything in both my 125 and 29 gallon has died.
Anyhow I have no intrest in restocking my 29 so I'll be selling it and all my equipment that goes with it. Check my thread in the classifieds if interested. I have way to much money in my 125 to let it set,or sell it, so basically I'm looking for suggestions to restock it. Something that might inspire me to start over. Cause to be honest im not looking forward to it. Some of the fish I lost I've had for over 5 years.

Death toll:
2 very large Koi Angels (my favorite fish)
1 mated pair of Kribs (I loved these guys)
20 rummy nose
6 glass cats
8 bose rainbows
12 corys
2 ABN plecos
1 8" common pleco
5 otto's
12 rasboras
2 bolivan rams
and one BKN (my other favorite)

RIP my Fishy Friends
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I had a similar experiance back in December when our house lost power for about 36 hours. I lost all my fish (only had three) but my cherry red shrimp and plants weren't phased in the least. I'd definately recommend going planted, so that if disaster strikes again (crossing fingers that it doesn't) you'll have at least one thing that is likely to survive.

Sorry about your loss!
If it were my 125G tank I'd restock it to be a semi-aggressive tank:

First in would be some semi-aggressive loaches. Maybe a mix of the medium sized ones (burmese border & another one that should be 6" or so).
Then once they are well established get a young polypterus: either senegalus bichir or palmas as these will only get to be 12-14" size max and are not big enough to really go after something aggressive like an adult loach of 6" size.

After the polypterus has had a chance to grow to atleast 8" (give or take 9 months depending on initial size when purchased) I'd put in a breeding pair of convict cichlids or similar medium sized but aggressive cichlid. The "caves" would have to be spaced so that the cichlids could set up a home far from the polypterus and no cave areas in the center of the tank.
I agree with purbox I would plant it and put back some more angles and rummy nose tetras they are very pretty, or a rainbow fish tank.

Sorry for your troubles this weather has been crazy.
So sorry to hear of your loss. I would recommend an African cichlid tank. Very colorful and you have a choice of very aggressive, somewhat aggressive or more docile africans.
So sorry about your loss. I haven't had that happen but I did get a scare this winter.

I keep styrofoam,the blue stuff, on the back and sides of my tank during the winter. I keep a piece ready for the front if the power goes out, it will slow down the temperature drop in the tank and decrease the risk of disease and/or death from the sudden drop in temp. my home is pretty cool in the winter and it seems to help the heaters keep tanks warm and a more stable temperature. I hope it helps the electric bill a little too.

A totally agree that planted tank is the way to go, it's a more balanced and natural than a fish only tank. It can be done without a lot of costs if you go low tech or natural. Your fish stocking level will be a bit lower than with a non planted tank :( but the fish in the tank will be very happy. :) Tetra's (Columbian, gold, glowlit), small pleco species, kuli loaches, otto's, corry's, pencil fish, Rasboro, German blue or gold rams and the old often forgotten white clouds are some of my favorites. Schools of fish are really pretty in planted tanks.
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Some good new at least.
My insureance company will pay for my lost fish up to $500 :)

I didnt mention it before, but my tank is heavily planted with 384w of light ,CO2, and aquasoil substrate.
I am glad to hear yoour insurance company is going to pay for your fish hope you have your tank up and running soon.
Glad to hear your ins is covering them! Not a lot of policies will replace livestock.
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