Baby Kribinsis ready to graduate?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 6, 2011
I have 2 baby kribs who are currenly in a divided 20 gallon long tank. The mother was trying to eat them so I divided the tank. Anyways, the babies are starting to get bigger they are about 1.5 cm long. I would like to take the tank down so I can focus time on the one bigger tank.
Details about bigger tank:
90 gallon, medium-heavily planted
Stock: neon tetras, kerri tetras, haliquin rasboras, hatchet fish, male kribinsis, fancy rosy barb, Simes algea eaters.

What are your thoughts of adding the babies (I will always call them "The Babies) and the female krib to the 90 gallon?
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