Betta in Community

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 27, 2012
Does anybody have any expierence with a Betta fish in a community tank?
Tank mates would be:
Neon Tetra
Panda Cory's
I heard mixing with a neon tetra is a gamble because of it's bright colors and fins.
I have had multiple bettas with neons and cories without issue. Usually Bettas don't get along with other labyrinth breathers or other fish with long flowing fins. Of course all fish are different and what one betta tolerates another might not.
Would you suggest steering clear of this or giving it a go? It's my first tank and I have nowhere to put the Betta if things go bad
Would you suggest steering clear of this or giving it a go? It's my first tank and I have nowhere to put the Betta if things go bad

I would suggest waiting until you have another tank if things go badly. Better safe than sorry!
Cories are the perfect tank mates for Bettas in my experience. I have no experience with Neons so I can't help you there. I know my girlfriend's Betta doesn't show aggression towards Rummynose Tetras though.
IME my bettas have pretty much ignored tetras. I have had black skirts, serpaes, embers, and gold pristellas with my betta harem and there has been no incidents. I did see one of my females stalk a juvy guppy or two.
I have my male Betta in a community now with Tetras and lots of other fish and all is going well there was a bit of fin nipping going on from my Molly but that stopped when they all settled and got used to each other. I do have a spare tank I could have used if I didn't work out though so I wouldn't risk it since you only have the one for now. If you really want a Betta and some other fish you could just do him and shoal of cories they usually coexist well. It's not just the Betta being aggressive you have to worry about, they cod end up being the victim of fin nippers and sometimes do get stressed out by to much activity.
Sometimes it's really hard to tell what the personality of the betta is before you put it in the tank.

I'm running a planted 10 gallon now with a male crowntail betta, 3 ADFs and 6 harlequin rasboras. The betta was the last addition to the tank.

The betta flares at and chases the rasboras, which are much quicker than he, and have no problem getting away. He also flares at the frogs, who pretty much look at him like, "yeah, go away," and they go on about their business. He's never chased the frogs, because the frogs won't run.

He also flares at the red in the bottom of the thermometer and the light on the heater, as well as pieces of stem plants floating by.

In his view, the whole tank is his. When I finish planting my new 20 long, I'll move the rasboras to it.
I would suggest waiting until you have another tank if things go badly. Better safe than sorry!

I say take this advice. I've kept mine with neons and corys with no problems. Just have somewhere to put the betta in case it doesn't work.
I don't plan on adding the Betta just because I do t want to remove my tetras and wouldn't know what to do if I had problems.
Thank you
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