Bio-Wheel and Medicine

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
On the bottle of ick medicine I have, it says before you use, remove any activated carbon from filter.....i removed the activated carbon from the little basket that I put it in...then i put the medicine in....within an hour, the water was no longer blue from the i got to thinking...should i just have turned off the filter...i think there might be carbon in the actual filter pads of the bio-wheel...
No, you need to leave the filter running. The biowheel is where your bacteria live that convert ammonia->nitrite->nitrate. The medication will still be fine.
Of course one thing is to be careful when dosing. Alot of the chemicals we use are antibacteral and thus can have a negitive effect on our bactera filter if dosed improerly.

Good luck with your ick solution.
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