Bits of Wisdom added to my FAQ.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Be sure to take a minute and check out the Bits of Wisdom I added to my FAQ. And please feel free to contribute your own. If you wish I will even credit you. And check out the nice new navigation buttons :)
HAHA. Nice photo. That might turn some folks away. :) oh no. Not barney. Hm.

Opps. When i clicked on to the one page i thought that was a button comming here. Then i saw the url and realized it was a link to your aquarium advice. haha

Nice pink buttons.
Thanks everyone. Still adding more as they come to me and people suggest them.
good additions Rex. I don't think you can over emphasize the point about doing some research on your own...searching a forum for the same question that's been answered 4 times already today. I still can't believe plantgeek was mad at you for pointing people to your FAQ (I know other stuff was involved...but jeez!)
Well you know the FAQ contains or contained items that might upset some people. So now there are clear warnings.
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