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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 29, 2005
Ontario, Canada

I recently bought a 10 gallon tank, with four platies (all female.) They seem to get along fine, except for one of them who continues to bully the other fish. She is the smallest, yet most agressive - I'm afraid what she'll be like when shes full grown, or if she could stress out or eventually kill my other platies.
She always head-buts them, and chases them around the aquarium. Its like shes so antisocial and sometimes doesnt want anyone in her sight. My brother thinks she's just "playing." One VERY strange thing I noticed was that she only seems to be a bully when the fluorecent light is on. (I leave it on for about 6 hours a day.)
Do you think her behaviour could be harmful? Should I trade her in for a different fish?

Give plenty of places for the fish to hide from the platy and get enough decorations that the fish might be able to mark of territory and just bully the other fish out of that territory.. you might want to take suggestions on what fish to keep an aggressive platy with..
You could also look at taking back the aggressive fish to the place where you bought it. Sometimes a fish store will let you exchange one fish for another if the fish was bought recently and it is too aggressive.
Welcome to Aquarium Advice, kristin27! :mrgreen:

Are you positive it is a female? If so, then I'd swap her out with another - it is not worth it when there is a fish like this as she will cause stress that will result in illness, most likely. If it turns out to be a male (sounds sortof like particularly randy male behavior) then get a few more females to spread out the aggression.
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