Canister filters...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2012
lee, illinois, usa
I Already have an HW304B canister on my 75 gallon (soon to be) discus tank and I love it! It has a flow rate of 525 and they don't lie about that. I am probably getting a new tank anywhere from 180-300 gallon tank and I will be needing another filter for the big tank.
My questions...

What size of filter would you guys get to work in unison with the one I have?
What kind would be best?
I have a 220g and run a Fluval FX5 and a Fluval 406, then have to small powerheads at each end of the tank to make sure there is water movement throughout the tank. I would use both.
Rivercats said:
I have a 220g and run a Fluval FX5 and a Fluval 406, then have to small powerheads at each end of the tank to make sure there is water movement throughout the tank. I would use both.

What kind of fish do you have?
I always suggest a combined gph rating which is 6 times your tank volume, for example, if you get a 180 gallon tank, you'll want 1080gph of filtration. For a 300 gallon, go for 1800gph. And the powerheads are a good idea.
FX5 is a great canister with a huge flow but I agree with the addition of another maybe a Fluval 406 to supplement, power heads are a definate especially if its a long tank. If its a column or cyclindar style tank the FX5 would be good enough with just a power head to supplement.
What kind of fish do you have?

I have the following in a heavily planted 220g tank:

10 Veil and Super Veil Angelfish
21 Rummy nose tetras
12 Diamond tetras
5 German Blue Rams
4 Electric Blue Rams
2 Gold Rams
3 YoYo loaches
5 Corydoras sterbai
5 Corydoras panda
5 Corydoras agassizi
6 Corydoras melini
6 Corydoras julli
8 Threadfin Rainbow Fish
18 Otocinclus Catfish3
3 Whiptail Cats (Farlowella gracilis)
1 Longfin Albino Bristlenose Pleco

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