corydoras, pleco, and gold white cloud minnows?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 16, 2005
ct us
Hello, I have a 30 gallon long tank...

I have:

3 peppered corydoras
2 bronze corydoras
2 bandit corydoras
2 gold white cloud minnows
1 pleco

I have 2 questions....

1) I know I should have atleast 3 of the same kind of corydoras, do I have enough room to put 9 all together plus 8 gwc minnows?

2) I know gold white cloud minnows should have atleast 8 of them, and I was gunna get more of them until I read they were cold water fish.... Now I am pretty sure the pleco needs a warmer tank... My question is can I have these 3 types of fish together or should I get rid of the gold white cloud minnows? Will they do okay? and what temp should I set it at... its at like 76 now... I have the common pleco i think.
White Clouds should really be in a coldwater tank (64 to 72 degrees F) whereas the other fish should be in a tropical tank (72 to 78 degrees F). If you decrease the temp in the tank to 72, you should be ok. But watch the other fish carefully. According to Live Aquaria, the Cories and Pleco can be kept at 72 degrees, just not any lower. IMO, I'd return the Clouds and have a tropical tank or return the Pleco and Cories and have a coldwater tank. It may be hard to keep the temp down in the tank because in normal circumstances the temp in the room is higher than 72 degrees.
I have a group of gold white clouds that are thriving (spawning, even) at 76ºF, so yours should be fine there.....I suspect that the guides that suggest white clouds go no warmer than 72ºF in their native habitat are inaccurate....and 64ºF is probably an absolute minimum that they will survive.
I kept goldfish, another coldwater fish, at temps of up to 80degrees guring the summer. (My parents don't believe in air conditioning) They did just fine. I'm not sure how hardy these minnows are, but if they are like the goldfish then a gradual aclimation to the temps would do them just fine.
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