cycled tanks gets cloudy every few days

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 12, 2013
hey fellaz,

i started a fresh water tanks 3 months ago. it currently has 3 childids. im running one hob with its regular filter media. and i have another hob filter with mechanical filter and carbon in it.

i dont over feed.

half the time the water is clear. then out of no where it gets pretty cloudy for a few days then clear again.

i do 50 % water changes every week or so.

whats wrong. plz help
That happened to me when i had africans. They kept digging up the gravel and disturbing the cycle. For me as the tank got older it stopped. I also put rocks that they could dig out and make permanent homes. That stopped them from digging all the time. This was my experience.
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