endlers livebearers and betta compatibility?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 1, 2011
Dallas, Texas
Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has kept betas and endless together successfully or if it's a bad idea.

I know bright colored guppy can be bad.
My betta seems to be pretty mellow so far and doesn't bother shrimp

I have another tank i can move them too if I need to
that is a good question, my guess would be no, but every fish is different, i guess it would depend on the set up too. maybe someone on the betta fish web site can help?
It depends on the personality , I would be caareful though if you wanted to attempt it. Just have a back up tank ready.
It's worked for me. Endlers in no way resemble a betta so I wouldn't expect problems. Still, a back up plan is a must.
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