Feeding African Dwarf Frog

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2003
Kentucky, USA
I just got an African Dwarf Frog on Thursday and added it to my 1.5 Gal betta tank. I was worried about the betta killing it at first since the betta nipped at it a few times. The betta actually tore its skin off yesterday.. well, loose skin that is. I guess it was shedding anyway. Now my problem is feeding it. I've read that they will eat flakes and other things that the betta eats, but I have not seen it eat anything yet. I've tried to add a little more flakes than usual hoping that my pig of a betta won't eat it all and some will get to the bottom for the frog to find. However, they are small flakes and the frog doesn't move around all that much. Does anyone else have a similar problem and perhaps some insight into how I can keep the little guy fed?

One other question that isn't frog related. I got a medium sized yellow colored snail with the frog and put it in and it hasn't moved a bit in the two days its been in there. Is this unusual?

Any help is appreciated.
I've got 5 frogs, have been keeping them for some times. I actually feed them Aquatic Frog food. Sometimes they'll eat while you're watching, more likely they'll eat as they need. You might never see him actually eat.
ferret, do they scavenge the bottom for the food or actually get it as it falls?

One thing I'm worried about is poluting my tank with too much uneaten food, but the frog's survival comes first, of course.

My frog is a scavenger.
I feed it what ever the other fish eat and not worry about it. I've had him for a year now.
Generally bottom feeders appreciate sinking food. Think about buying a) algae wafers or b)sinking cichlid pellets. These should be fine for his/her diet, and whould give him/her a chance to eat.

Rather than feeding a full wafer or pellet at a time, feed 1/2 or 1/4. Watch for results. If the food is gone within an hour, give a little more. Don't overfeed, or you'll have nutrient/algae problems.
I've had my frogs for 2+ years... I've found they absolutely adore blood (black) worms. Don't worry about the betta. They should get used to each other pretty quickly.
I went to the pet store tro buy some food (for the fish) and while there asked a guy about frogs. He told me they actually prefer those worms (I think they were called tubifex worms or something like that) to flake.

On another note, I was thinking of getting one, but is it true they excrete too much and pollute the tank?
I was reading around somewhere else and read something about a food called "Frog & Tadpole Bites". I've heard of "Betta Bites" and it is apparently from the same company. Perhaps I'll try some of that if I can find it.

On a side note, when I got up this morning, I noticed the snail on the glass instead of sitting on the bottom. So I guess it is alive afterall. :)

Thanks for the comments and advice so far.
They supposively hunt the food by smell, but they 'scavenge' as far as I care. I've seen them eat bits of flake that managed to get to the bottom, and I've seen the whole army of five crawl out of their hiding places right after I put food in and eat it up.

I only use the frog food in the morning.
Okay so I was unable to find the Frog & Tadpole Bites, but I did find something I'd like to try. Whole Bloodworms "in a nutrient rich gel". It's made by Tetra and is basically supposed to be whole bloodworms in a ketchup-like packet. I figure even if the frog doesn't quite like it, the bettas and / or goldfish will.

I could have gotten tubifex worms but the cubes seemed kinda big and I was worried that the betta might over-eat with it in there.
Wouldn't worry about this too much! And don't get sucked into paying a huge amount for highly specific frog foods. They love tubifex and blood worms, but if you're feeding them the tubifex, break it up first. The individual freeze-dried worms will make it to the bottom of the tank.

Personally, I think bloodworms are a great, and not too expensive, option. I don't know anything about the gel, but I do know that when they come in regular freeze-dried form (not cubes, like tubifex) they're quite popular.

Also, remember that these frogs are quite hardy. It's not an excuse for mistreatment, but it does give a little leeway for diet. I wouldn't stress out too much. :lol:
I've got 2 ADF's in a 10 gallon tank and they seem to love shrimp pellets. The pellets get soft and both froggys eat heartily. I also use carnivore wafers, I break them in half and they like them also. The frog and tadpole bites are so small I didn't think they could find them in the gravel. I've noticed that when they see me at the tank now, they come right up to the glass and will follow my finger. Cute little guys.
What suggestions do you have for algae eaters to put with the frogs that won't harm them but will keep the tank algae free.
Smaller pleco varieties. My current favorite is rubbernosed (Possibly the same as rubberlipped, haven't had a chance to compare). Petsmart has them as 'nosed', usually near the cichlid tanks with clown knives :p Max size is about 4-5in. They look really cool too.

African Dwarf Frogs are meat eaters and they will definately appreciate frozen(but thawed) bloodworms. This is the food of choice for all the frog people I met when I got mine. However, it's also important to give them somewhat of a varied diet. The froggie food by HBH is also good and my frogs will take shrimp pellets on occasion as well.

Just remember that the frog is competing with the Betta for food in your tank, so make sure he's eating. Fish are quicker to find and eat the food than frogs.
I've tried to keep him fed. He's been hanging out on a plant thats floating at the top (growing out for another tank) and I dropped in plenty of flakes and freeze dried bloodworms and some where RIGHT AT his mouth but he wouldn't eat them. :(

I am assuming if he gets hungry enough he will eat anything I put in there. Just hope that turns out to be true. I asked when I got him what they had been feeding the frogs and they said flakes. So I also assumed he would be used to flakes and eat them without a problem.
I would recommend the live worms, my frogs wouldnt touch anything but live wriggling worms. They would pig out on them gulping a clump of 6 at once. They should be available at any independant fish store for like $1 an ounce. Good luck!
hello all,

I'm keeping three of the little guys in a separate tank (the last addition to my tank collection....), as they don't get enough food if you keep them in a normal society aquarium. Mine might be even worse cause it's a guppy aquarium.

nonetheless - I've never heard of frogs eating flakes; mine won't, and in general, in the frog forum I know and in the other aquarium forum, people say, they can only feed worms, be it frozen or live, or other frozen stuff, or naturally live daphnia. Most of the opinions I had was that artificial food is quite difficult. I haven't had much experience with the compressed stuff like pellets, but flakes are probably not the right thing.

I wouldn't dare to give flakes in a society aquarium, there are two reasons:
- they cannot really "eat" flakes. once the flakes get to the ground, they fall apart into small and smaller parts. the frog who is snapping to get a piece is creating water movement around its head so that the fine parts get swished away, or they fall apart again. instead of landing in its mouth. (just watch once, you'll know what I mean.)
- any other fish will have eaten flakes before the frog even notices them, unless you really overfeed!!

My smallest frog almost starved to death when he was in there with the guppies. Now guppies might be worse than other community fish, but really, have a close look at your frog. I really doubt that you can keep it with a "normal" fish, unless the fish is sort of "on valium" ;)

good luck!
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