Female sword bullying

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 18, 2013
Manchester UK
Have 1 male sword and 2 females. I recently added 2 GBR male and female so I had to increase the temperature. This has encouraged my make sword to take and interest in breeding. Since there is now a need for the females to establish a pecking order we have a bullying issue. Is this likely to pass or get worse? Should I add another female? The tank is slightly overstocked at the moment but I will be introducing them to a new 40 gal In the next few weeks. Would this help stop the bullying? Should I remove a female? Do people tend to remove the bully or the bullied.

Thanks for your thoughts
I would not remove a female then the renaming female would be harassed by your male. Adding another female wouldn't do any harm except for your stocking issue. That's what I would do.
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