Fish wars!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 5, 2011
Hi, just wondering if I have made a terrible mistake..
I have 2 clown plecs in my tank and today I bought an albino bristlenose. The bristlenose and one of the clown plecs are fighting violently. Will this calm down?
Ive put off lights and they seen ok at minute. Clown plec is under driftwood and the bristlenose is on the rocks. I don't have another tank... Please help?
What size tank is this and what other caves do you have available for the BN to hide beneath?

What other fish are in the tank and is it cycled?
It's a 190 litre tank (55 gallon?), it is cycled.
I have neons, zebra danios, blue rams, golden rams, metallic blue rams, male betta, honey gouramis, snail and clown plecs. I have 2 of each except the neons and danios (10 of each of them)
Hi, an update
I've managed to rehome my 2 clown plecs.
They haven't fought with my albino bristlenose for a couple of days bit I didn't want to take the chance.
Hopefully back to having a peaceful tank....
Would my bristlenose get on with my corys?
Bristlenose are known for being peaceful. As are corys. I don't think there should be a problem. I don't see corys listed in your original stocking list.
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