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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 29, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
I recently added a couple of Gold Claw Crabs to my 20gal long tank to do some "house cleaning." Unfortunately one of them ran into the wrong end of my blue lobster. He had a leg torn off as well as his small pincher (big claw is still strong). I was wondering, does anyone have information on these crabs? Is there a defense mechanism in play where he migh have his leg and pincher grow back? Or do I just need to post a handicapped sign? Thanks!
I beleive they will grow back the next time he molts. If he is still in with the crayfish he probably will not survive the molt.
xIHaKIx said:
Glue em back?

Sheesh. :roll:

I agree with the rich and jrp1588. Sounds like you need to make a decision rather to keep the lobster or the crabs. Good luck.
If your gold-claws are Uca sp., they will require water of at least light brackish salinity in addition to a haul-out platform of some sort.
You definitely have to separate the two. Blue lobsters, aka blue crayfish are opportunistic predators that will eventually hunt down and kill anything else in the tank.
If it's any help, blue lobsters don't require a heater. You could temporarily put yours in a filtered, aerated bucket with a cover until you sort out what you're going to do.

I believe that Veneer is correct too. Your gold claw is probably a fiddler crab, and requires access to dry land. It will grow back the lost limbs, but it may take several molts, and they may not be the original size.
Walmart by my house has baby red crabs now, in the same little bowls as the bettas and hermit crabs. I dislike walmart more now. They have an info sheet that says red crabs are solitary and territorial so I wonder if these gold claw crabs can be kept together either?
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