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Over feeding because the fish are "hungry" is my concern too (that and 'clean' hands full of soap, Purell, and hand lotion) With smaller schooling fish, I don't know that they would beg as much, but my Sammie and Zebbie will beg from the moment they see me to the moment I leave their sight. Sammie will even swim down to the bottom of the tank (eye height when I'm sitting in front of the tank) where my face is and hang out right infront of me as if to say 'see, I know who you are, I see you, now reward me with lots of blood worms.'

Female betas. from what others have said, seem to be notoriously individualistic when it comes to their personality. One can usually keep 3 or more females together in a tank so long as it's big enough and has hiding places (i.e. it's heavily planted). They can also be kept with other peaceful community fish. I imagine any community fish one can keep male betas with, one can keep female betas with. My male is in with some White Clouds and only spends a fraction of the day chasing them around. Some people on this board have stated that some female betas won't tolerate any intruders what-so-ever.

I ended up getting both Sammie and Zebbie before their tanks were cycled because of those little cups. I figured a large uncycled bucket of water wasn't any worse for them than continuing to live in a cup.
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