Help! Molly about to birth!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 16, 2012
Hello all,
My balloon molly gave birth 4 weeks ago today and she's looking really fat and I'm thinking she's likely to birth again.
I'm not sure whether to isolate her in a breeder's floater as I've heard the stress can cause them to abort the pregnancy.

I have 2 peppered cories and I'm worried they'll eat all the fry!

What to do!!???
Let the molly give birth and net out the fry. The cories would not eat your fry.
thanks for your reply! she's yet to give birth and i'm taking your advice
Ya the only thing that would eat the fry would be the Molly, just keep her well fed then net the fry into the breeder box
i have had mollies give birth without a male for sometime i dont net them i dont seperate them wat i did was have a corner of the tank with dence plants. i have such a high succses rate with that i had to put a goromi in the tank to control them the mothers dont even try to eat them.
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