how to grow algae?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 2, 2011
I've been looking around online as to how to grow algae for my fish and have come across nothing conclusive. would anybody be able to shed any light on this subject? i have a spare tank so i can grow algae in there and transfer it via rock i just to know how to get the growth started etc
The method that I see most often advised to to take few rocks, pop them in some water and leave on a window sill. The natural light will work it's magic :D
that's so strange.
Most people want to remove algae. Yet, you want to grow it.

do you u have a bristlenose that you are trying to feed?

lots of sunlight will leads to strong algae growth.
Sunlight definitely, or leave the light on 12 or more hours a day... You will get a lot of different algae, prolly mostly the single celled in the water, keep the water changed so the stuff you want can grow. No live plants because they compete for nutrients....
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