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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 2, 2010
Houston, Texas
Today I was cleaning my pond (weekly filter wash) and I was pleased to find that this years midge flies have been breeding more then ever. I now have half a cup of blood worms (also known as tubifex) ready for my fish. They are from my koi pond and have been feeding on lovely sludge for awhile now so I'm certain they will be nice snacks for my neons when I get them today.

If you're wondering how to get tubifex live you can just ask any ponder out there to scrape some sludge off his filter for you. You're going to get a net full easily from a decent sized pond.

Note: Tubifex in reality is not the same as a midge larvae or blood worm. It's a blanket term used in the aquarium trade to cover and small red worm.
I have never heard tubifex called bloodworms, although it would make more sense calling them bloodworms than the red larvae of midges which are not even worms.
I have never heard tubifex called bloodworms, although it would make more sense calling them bloodworms than the red larvae of midges which are not even worms.
Ditto. :rolleyes:
Tubifex and bloodworms are completely different critters.
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