Lobster, shrimp, etc.

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Are there any good shrimp, lobster or other like creatures for a peaceful community tank that includes clown loaches, plecos, gourami, swords, etc.?
Shrimp.....I believe that's all your going to find freshwater-wise. I have heard good things about ghost shrimp, red cherry shrimp and bamboo shrimp.

You do have to be careful with the gourami though. He might think the shrimp is food.
I don't know how a blue lobster (crawdad) would do with your fish. Mine seems to be doing fine with tigar barbs and buenes aires tetras.
Blue lobsters will a) nip at any fish that come close to them and b) chew all your plants to shreds. Thus I have observed in MANY fish stores. So, lobsters would be really bad with your plecos, loaches, and disastrous with your swords.

N.B. that in fish stores the lobsters are almost always in plantless tanks and (if they know what they're doing) with surface swimmers.

Otherwise, they have to be some of the coolest creatures out there for FW aquaria. I am DYING to get one or a few. They're just so expensive around here ($30 at the LFS)! I've seen them for as little as $8 a piece in a petsmart, however.

Dream on... the g/f won't let me buy another tank, and probably with good reason! How come we blame our significant others for so much!? (exception: Lori) I guess we know they'll never log on to AA, so we can say what we want!
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