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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 22, 2003
Does anyone keep a log or journal of activities involving their tanks? For example, water chemistry readings, when a tank is set-up, new fish purchases, notes on breeding, etc.? I'd like to just use a tablet or looseleaf binder to record things rather than creating some kind of a spreadsheet or whatever. I'd be especially interested if anyone has some samples they'd be willing to share. I've tried looking on the internet for some software, but haven't been able to find anything. Thanks.
This is a very important thing to do, IMO. If you keep a journal, if something goes wrong you can often track back and see what was done differently, and it helps you find the source of problems or trends in your tank - things change over time and impact how you maintain your tank.

There used to be a nifty online aquarium log but I am having trouble finding it; I lost a bunch of bookmarks when I moved. I will see if I can run across it or if it is still available.
Try google ReefCon for freeware or buy the ReefCon Pro.

Tried both, quit ok but unfortunately too lazy to use it after few months. :lol:

I just write in a notebook. I keep track of the water paramaters, when I buy fish, how they behave, when they pass, sicknesses I've encountered, water changes, some days when I'm bored I'll just write what I notice for a few hours to pass some time, and other some other things too.
I forgot to say that I use a notebook, myself. Since I have so many tanks around the house it is easier to just scribble it down than pull up a program.
I use both a notebook and software that I linked to from this site. Go to the AA home page, look on the left and click on Aquatic Downloads. That'll take you to various options, including ReefCon that vega mentioned. I have a Mac, so I use Maquarium.

I really prefer writing in my notebook, though. It's just a lot easier and faster, and you can just jot down any notes that are important without being limited by what the software will do.
I really like keeping a journel myself. I jot down notes, then put them into a spreadsheet on my PC (I admit, sometimes it takes a few days to transfer from notepad to spreedsheet). For me personally, I like the spread sheet to be able to run my eye down a certain water para or notes. Checking for stability, spikes etc...

A journal is a great way to keep up with/monitor your tank, especially on a new tank. Find what is best for you personally and start logging notes. Good luck.
I keep a notebook mainly to record water params, but also record when anything is added to the tank (water change, ferts for the plants, new fish, etc.)
I've kept a running journal of aquarium-related information and data since way back in the early 1970s. I actually referred back to my 1973 journal a while ago when somebody asked me about keeping 'Freshwater Flounders'.
I created an Excel spreadsheet for logging everything: water chemistry, notes, fish list, plant list, and fertilizer dosing.

handy because I can tweak it however I want, and it can create graphs and charts if I so desire.
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