Lost a cory to a stupid aquarium decoration

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 11, 2003
Kew Gardens, NY
Last week, I got three 3/4 inch albino bronze corys and two 1-1/2 inch Corydoras melanistius. I put them in my cycled 10 gal Q-tank that is decorated only with a hollow resin log for them to hide out in. Checked the water params for three days - all OK. Then I picked up a ramshorn snail and a male betta - put them in the Q-tank with the corys.

Everyone looked OK and was eating - even the betta. Yesterday, I did a routine check of my water parameters in the Q-tank. NH3=1, NO2=off scale, NO3 =40! 8O "WTF", I said to myself as I got out the python and did an emergency 50% water change, "Could simply adding a betta have caused a minicycle?"

Today I did another 50% change and a headcount - one of the Corydoras melanistius were missing. The tank is completely covered, so I thought he might be hiding in the hollow log. Turns out he had gotten himself stuck in a narrow crevice deep inside the ornament. (didn't this same thing happen to someone else here recently?) I had to smash the thing opento get him out, but he was very dead. :cry: That explains why my water params went to crap so quickly. Poor little guy - what a lousy way to die.

I'm just thankful I did the water test and went searching for the cause of the wacky readings. I'll continue to do water changes daily until the readings go back down to normal. The other tank inhabitants look OK, so hopefully, no additional harm done. I've had fish die before in my 58 gal, but I guess the huge water volume prevented them from fouling the water so fast.
NEWBIES TAKE NOTE: In a 10 gal, one dead fish can muck things up badly overnight!

I also removed the same style resin log from my 58 gal. Now my two corys there are temporarily homeless and theyare not pleased. I think I will pick up some 2 inch PVC pipe and just pile some red slate around it. Those resin ornaments are deadly fish traps! :evil:
I am so sorry to hear that! Christmasfish had that problem and my fiancé recently rescued our white zebra from a decoration.
BTW--who manufactured that log? I recently bought a few logs :? .
coconut shells make good homes too :D

sorry about the loss...I hope the other fish survive with no problems...
I think the log was made by PennPlax. It had openings at both ends and one in the middle - extremely realistic. Trouble was, the textured, outer surface curved into the three openings of the log for about 1-1/2 inches, creating a narrow crevice. Think of a very wide funnel placed inside a cylinder. It's easy to see how a fish browsing the inner surface of the log could make its way into the crevice, get trapped, and panic.

And Millipede, did you decide how much you would charge for them coconuts?
And I've found out the hard way that the resin ornaments with too many nooks and crannies can trap gunk and cause major problems with water quality. Kind of reinforced for me the KISS principle - whenever possible, live plants and natural decor, like slate, river rocks, driftwood, etc. (all carefully washed, of course).
Oh d*mn QT; and I have some PVC I'm not using; I could have brought it with me yesterday.

If you don't grab any soon lemme know; I'll hang onto it for you.
Sorry to hear it! Poor fishy

Yeah decoration are not even close to fish safe. They cannot be inspected for defects and look as they do. Aftfer the fish in the ruins post i maded sure all decorations after that were inspeected and defects filled with a gravel/tank sealent mix. But my first decorations I forgot to give a once over. I am Veeeery cautious now. I also file all sharp defects first to avoid shredding my scaless fish and bettas.
You'd be surprised if you run a hand over some how much they hurt!

Oh how cute QT! A hogan would be ideal
I would use the coconut except most of my hiding fish are long tubular monsters. Or labyrinths. However if he has smaller 4 inch diameter size that he can figure a way to make a stick on basket.......so it can have plants attached ....
they can become Betta lounges...! :p

I think a pinned topic or an info topic on decoration inspection may be in order!!
edit: gender pronoun correction..oops :lol: :lol: I be a big dorkopotomus..waht can I say?! :wink:
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