Most unique freshwater fish. ???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2004
Denver, CO.
I would like to ask everyone's opinion here....

What is, in your opinion, the most unique looking freshwater fish? :?:
One that could maybe even pass for looking like saltwater.
I'd say the blood red parrot. It looks very unique because it is man made. Nothing in nature really resembles it. Plus it is very brightly colored like a salt water fish.
African Butterfly?

The african butterfly is so cool. I saw one on sale at my lfs for only $8.99 too. It would have been cool to get but apparently they are extremely intolerant and will eat anything that comes to the surface of the water . The one at the lfs was just hanging in the corner at the top so unfortunately I didn't get to see it swim. They are weird looking though. Freshwater/brackish puffers are also another cool fish I'd like to try at some point. As far as coloration I also think Malawi peacocks and electric blue haplochromis look like saltwater fish. Another one I like just for the "weird" look is Tinanti. The malawi peacock is the only one I ever got to see in person. The others, just in books.
talloulou- I have 2 of the African Butterflyfish and they are really not an aggressive fish. They just hang at the top of the tank all day long. Then when you open the lid to feed, they swim off and hide in the greenery. Then they will slowly make their way to the top to eat. Very beautiful fish to look at. When people come over, they always want to see the African Butterflyfish. We also have a Electric Blue Hap. I had NO clue that there was even such a thing until we found it at the lfs. Very attractive fish. The colors shimmer with the light.
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