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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
I won a 10 gallon tank at the fish club raffle tonight. :) Okay, so I could've picked another prize - like a book. Or a plant. But.... :)

What to do??? I'm seriously considering a male betta and...? But there's also a part of me that's thinking "what about trying an unheated, unfiltered "balanced" tank..." That part of me also says, "You dolt, you've only had your first tank up and running a month, don't do weird things until you've got more experience!"

No puffers, no neons, no shrimp/snail/frog/salamander-only tanks, but I'm open to other non-"cories, otos and a betta" ideas. Something a little different from the 40 gallon freshwater community tank I'm working on. :)

Or maybe I'll just get a betta and tankmates after all! Help! :)
Pair of GBRs? Or something kooky like a hermit crab? I think with 10 gallons, you're a little limited to some of the standard ideas that you've already mentioned. I am quite fond of the shrimp/snail/frog tanks.

Why not try a planted tank if you want to complicate things?
Hee! Love cherry barbs, had to forego them in the 40 gallon... hmmm.

I could do a pair of GBRs in a 10-gallon? I didn't think they'd fit! I rather like the yellow variety!

My 40-gallon is planted, and that's causing me TONS of complication, really. ;) Algae issues (hair/thread) - putting in more plants to try and help, watching my nitrates, etc... :)
I have a pair of GBRs in a 10 gal. They just moved and are still a little ticked off about the whole matter, but it's for the best. It's with breeding in mind and to alleviate some aggression that was occurring in my community. I was told that 10 gallons was an absolute minimum for a pair, but doable.

Maybe someone more experienced with rams could chime in on the suitability of this if it's not with intentions of breeding.
what about a lightly planted tank with some simple neons or something, somehting you cna have on your desk at work or something, somethign low maintence
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