My new betta..

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 18, 2006
hey guys
I bought a new Betta ( siamese fighting fish ) today. it's so cute.. but i want to get some more information from all of you. Here are some questions.

A) Is it normal for the fish to just lay around and not do anything except breathe ? I heard that it's normal because it's a dormant fish

B) Why isn't my fish eating ? Im feeding it pellets that float on top and it's just too dumb to go and eat it up !!

C) Is it a tropical fish or not ? I see them in pet shops with no heaters whatsover just swimming about ? I don't get it, can it live fine in cold water ? Thats all thanks guys
Is it normal for the fish to just lay around and not do anything except breathe
I have seen some Bettas that are very active, but mine never was. He just kind of "hung out". Usually on a plant leaf.

Why isn't my fish eating ?
what kind of pellets? Bettas eat Blood worms readily. Wait for a day or so after you get him and only feed a few bloodworms at a time. Is the tank cycled?

can it live fine in cold water
Temp fluctuations can be fatal to Bettas. As long as the temp in the tank does not fluctuate much, then you don't need a heater. But more than likely it will fluctuate due to room temp differences, so a heater is recommended.

Welcome to AA!
thankyou so much for all your help, but could you please dumb everything down since im pretty new to this.. lol thanks. So with this cycling thing, how do you do it ? i have a fairly small tank with a betta in it, its got some rocks and gravel. My room is the same temp most days.. i change the tank about 2-3 times a week. it's not eating yet, but im still waiting. I don't have a PH test kit.
Welcome to AA! It may take some time for your betta to feel comfortable in his new home. What size tank do you have him in? If your tank isn't cycled you will need to do water changes every couple of days to keep harmful ammonia down.
lol thanks.. this forum is so useful.. yeah no probs, i'd be happy to change the tank every few days. Im just scared that he'll get really angry because he may have just gotten used to the tank and then it's new water all over again.. :( Oh yeah im from Australia so our system of measuring volume and stuff is a bit different.
I don't know what people mean when they say 1 gallon. I have no clue what that is.. lol I have a small tank.. it's made of glass and is about the size of a large coffee jar.
The Article can be a bit intimidating. :D Basically here's the jist: Fish produce Ammonia, which is toxic to fish in high levels. When bacterial colonies are established, the ammonia is converted to Nitrites. Nitrites are also deadly to fish at high levels. But again, with the colonies established, the nitrites are then converted to Ntirates. Nitrates are deadly at high doses, but it takes more Nitrates to harm a fish. Basically anything over 1 ppm of Ammonia or Nitrites can cause perminant damage, if not death, to fish. Nitrates above 40 ppm can cause problems. SO, by doing weekly water changes once a tank is cycled, you should not accumulate enough Nitrates to harm the Betta. But this is granted that the tank is properly stocked.

How big is the tank?
the size of a large coffee jar. Like imagine a lollyjar, a tall widish one, then halve it. I can't tell you the exact measurements coz i don't have a ruler sory! i hope you have a fair idea though.
There are many converters on the internet for gallons to litres. In canada we use litres too but I have learned gallons easier in the fish hobby. Here is a link that will give you quick conversions. :D
I have a Betta in a 2 gallon bubble tank(hang on the wall) and I never intentionally cycled it(used the gravel from his store bowl) . I change the water weekly and test and it amazes me that my levels are all within a safe range.

My Betta LOVES dried blood worm and I have to refrain from feeding too much. My sisters Betta hardly eats 2 pieces of food every other day. My Betta is very active now that I moved him into the bathroom where it is warmer. He slows down if he gets cold.
Wow.. so thats why blinky moved so much when i put him near the sunny part of my room.... the things ya learn :!:
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