(Not your usual) Snail Question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 16, 2003
Edmonton, AB, Canada
You're all going to think I'm crazy but...

We brought home a new cory yesterday, only to discover that a little gold snail had hitched a ride in the bag from the lfs. We've been thinking about getting a snail for a while, but we don't know what to do with this little guy...

The snail is really tiny (only a millimeter or two) and is gold in colour. We've done quite a bit of searching online, but I think he's too small to be able to figure out what species he is. And before the request comes, I don't have a digital camera, so I can't post anything.

My question is this: Can we put him in our 10 gal tank (see sig)? I'd really hate to get rid of him, but I've heard far too many stories about snails reproducing like crazy and taking over the whole tank. I know that there are some snails who can't reproduce on their own, but since we can't figure out what this little guy is, we can't tell whether he's one of them.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Help!

Keep it and see what happens :wink:
If it snuck a ride home with you, that leads me to believe it came from a spawning that the LFS was unaware of. Sounds like they reproduce well, but who knows if it needs a mate to reproduce or not! I'm not being very helpful :? If it was my free snail, I would keep it. I added mts to two of my tanks for fun.
Well, if you don't want to risk a snail explosion in your ten, you can always keep him in a separate container and see what happens.
If we do end up putting him in a separate container, what does he need to survive? We've currently got a 2 gal QT that's not in use, so he could live in there if he requires a filter and heater. Or is he fine in just a container or bowl?

Sorry for all of the questions...I hadn't done much research on snails because they weren't supposed to be in the immediate future. And since I can't figure out what species he is, I don't even know where to start!

Thanks again!
I would recommend the seperate container. I did the 'what kind of snail is this' experiement and have been getting rid of common snails from my 8gal ever since. They can occupy spaces you wouldn't consider snail friendly.. You think you got rid of them all just to find that some are in the substrate. I think one time I got rid of everyone except maybe an egg or two and a little while later.. hey SNAILS.. :)

Snails need very little past a jar / water / and some live plant snips if you feel generous.
If you have no plants I wouldn't stress on it too much. If a hermaphrodite it can become a nuisance. Snails can be told apart through shell design if they are any size big enough to color up. Go to wwwapplesnailnet adn look at the species recognition tables adn pictures.
Sounds somewhat like a Gold Inca. If its an apple snail it is not hermaphroditic.

I would suggest keeping the little guy in a small container, and dropping several algae waffers in there and let them dissolve.

These little guys are so small that they can starve to death before finding food in a standard aquarium.

I had that happen with my Black Mysteries, Well...My fish had a buffet before they could starve, but still.

and keep an eye on those ammonia levels!
Ok, so we managed to get him in a little bowl, broke up an algae wafer into a bunch of little pieces, and put plastic wrap over with with air holes punched into it. All good?

We'll make sure to check the ammonia levels every couple of days, and try to make sure that he doesn't get out through one of the airholes (unlikely, though).

Now we just play the waiting game to see what he 'turns in to.' We're going to phone the lfs tomorrow to ask if they have any idea what he might be. Regardless, since I tend to get attached quite quickly, he's already got a name and home. :?
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