Pleco Spawn

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 10, 2005
Alvarado Texas United States
:?: Hi All. Here's my delima I have a dwarf bristelnose pleco. which has spawned first time. They are in a 55 gal community tank and I was wondering if I can artifically hatch the eggs since I don't have a tank to place the parent and pot in. Has any one heard of this beeing done.

re to tiffii

Tiffi said:
If you only have one pleco (like I understand it), the eggs won't hatch anyway. They need to be fertilized by a male pleco.

If you have a female AND a male you could maybe try this:

But you will still need another "tank" for that.
Thanks I do have a pair and i was trying to find out if they could be hatched artifically and i use the methode you linked to already for my rams ans apistos I use a 1 qt jar hung in tank with airstone instead of another tank I have 18 tanks 3 are grow outs the pleco fry will go into one of them withe the other fry I have Just need to get them to freeswimming a couple of weeks then they can survive with the smaller fry

I didn't mean that you wouldn't be able to know that about the pair, but we had people post before, who really just had one fish of one kind and thought they'll get babies now :wink: .
I'm sure they can be artificially hatched but why would you want to? They never eat their spawn and make wonderful parents. The best thing to do is provide the breeding pair with their own tank.
My friend is an owner of a huge pet store and you know what that means, great fish :!: I also had this problem but on a larger scale, in my female tank about 5 bristlenose spawned, but i had no males left due to sale of them. I asked my friend the same question you asked and he had an idea, he used a net and just made a figure of eight in his tank of bristlenose plecos back at his pet store, he gave me the water that had had the net emptied in and i releases it into my tank, later on i had fry everywhere. Just be nice to your local petstore owner or ask how much it will cost, try it. I have used this method many times
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