Rainwater for my aquarium.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 6, 2011

I have moved house last November, and for few reasons I was not able to use a tap water for the tank. Because the place did come with a massive plastic container for catching rain water (the water is gathered from the gutter and after it's been filled it doesn't take any more, so it's fair to say that the water is still and "matured") I started to use it with my fish tank.

Apart from few accidental death I blame on moving tank (which was rather violent) and some plants losing a few leaves due to myself running out of fertiliser, which I had no-way to purchase for a month or two, I can't see anything going horribly wrong with the tank.
After each refill I still treat the whole tank with TapSafe, which is said to contain helpful bacterias that detoxicate the water, but apart from that there is not much more I am doing.
I also have some water test results, which I must admit are even better than I anticipated :brows: Nitrates are my nemesis, and I am battling them ever since my very first tank years and years ago! They are now at much lower level, than they used to be :angel:

Has anyone else had any experience with using the rain water?

(And yes, I did found a few related topics, but they're so old I couldn't even reply to them.)


  • IMG_0307.jpg
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Interesting, thanks for posting this. I'd consider using rainwater in my Walstad/no tech tank.
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