Snail problem

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 14, 2011
Now i've got used to this forum. I have a big snail problem. Is there any one who has any special techniques to getting rid of them? Thanks again.
what kind of snails?

For most, place a big piece of lettuce in the tank. After a few hours the snails will flock to it to eat. Then, just lift hte lettuce out of the tank and discard as appropriate.
Cheers. I'm trying raw carrot. They are attracted to it. If that doesn't work ill try cabbage.
Usually a big population in snails means you are over feeding your tank. Try to cut down on the feeding of your tank or you will either have a population explosion again or you will have another problem.
I'm not over feeding. All the fish eat up all the food within two minutes easily. Might just have to live with them. Thanks anyway.
A shame my tank is to small. What I'm going to do is live with it and remove as many as possible during maintenance. Along as they don't produce to much waste I should be fine. Thanks for all the helpful advice.
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