Snail question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2005
Denver, CO
i know i post a lot in here, but i need all the help i can get!
So yesterday i went to the store and got a black mystery snail. I tried googling what they eat, but all i got were websites about apple snails. Most of them said to just feed them vegetables, and the guy at the store said that also. So, i put some lettuce in the tank and rubber banded it to a plant. Its been there for a day now and my snail hasnt touched it. I read they are supposed to be voracious eaters, well mine so far just hangs out on the glass of my tank not eating. Any ideas? Am i feeding him the right stuff? :roll:
You really don't have to supplement thier diet. They will eat leftover fish food and algae. Mystery snails are a type of apple snail, just a bit smaller. Same classification (pomacea). There are many species of apple snail also but most you find in an lfs is P. bridgesi.
Snails also love zucchini and cucumbers. They don't need to have a supplement as simpte said but if you want to they do love their veggies.
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