theres more than a pole to fish 1.0 just some info

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't get the point of your post unless you are trying to clutter up the message boards.. this post should either be deleted or moved combine with your other "poll" topic. And what is it you are wanting to know?
I think that he is trying to get a post going where people give some quick fish facts. The subject: There's more than a pole to fish 1.0 just some info. I THINK refers to fishing with a fishing pole. But his message: go ahead give us some fish facts, I think means that he wants people to give some fish facts. Aquarium fish I believe, not actual fishing. But i could be wrong.
The search button on the board would do wonders if you are wanting to find information. :fadein:
fishy fanatic has got the idea there im trying to earn more fish and be accepted as a aquarium advice giver and im just trying to excite new members!!!!
huh!!! like me!!! i am also trying to bring new ideas to the board!!! and 1.0 is kind of how they describe web browsers when they are going to make more upgrades!!! get the idea! thank you fishy fanatic and great humor too on your first reply!!!
ok, ummmm.....goldfish were one of the first fish to be kept in aquaria. They are also the first to be selectivley bred for certain characteristics. Until the 1800's they were only allowed to be kept by royalty and high aristocracy.
African cichlids are fascinating fish. When introducing to a new aquarium, it is best to add as many as you can at one time. This will cut down on aggerssion issues. Also, re-arrange the decor in the tank when adding new fish. It will make the existing fish find new dominating places. This also cuts down on initial aggression.

When introducing new fish, feed the existing fish on one side of the tank as you are putting the new fish in the tank. The older fish will be slightly distracted with the food and won't pay attention to the new fish. The addition of the fish should be done around feeding time OR just don't feed them the day that you are adding the fish until they are introduced.
The search button still does wonders about anything you need to know about what people have said. I think this is just too broad of a question here. Perhaps my advice would be to read a little more before making a bunch of different topics pertaining to every fish you can possibly think of? (angels, oscars, etc)
Stewie- It's just a thread for people to have fun with. Searching works SOMETIMES but I have found it very difficult to search for something imparticular and get what I'm looking for. You usually get so many results and don't ever find the right answer. It's just a fun thread.
Please keep things civilized. Sometimes new members are a little too enthusiastic with their new found posting abilities...sometimes they just want attention.
Either way, its not worth getting all riled up.
I would be more tolerant if it weren't for this statement:

cichlid555 said:
im trying to earn more fish and be accepted as a aquarium advice giver!!!

Looks like you just admitting to being what we in the internet world call a "post hor," you're sole purpose being to raise your post count and in this case "earn more fish."

Let me know when you "give some advice."
Well, while I agree and understand the frustration, it could be stated less harshly for the sake of everyone. Fish should be earned (like respect) by the knowledge you have to give, not by how many polls or post you can start. :wink:

Spring break lol :roll:
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