Too Nice Black ghost?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 11, 2004
The South-SOoTHWEsT that is
My Black Ghost is being terrorized by tetras!...

Actually more like annoyed to death. He isn't showing any signs of stress yet, but are they usually congenial when well fed? I thought their territory was supposed to be strongly disputed.

Or do the tetras sense he is not as fast as he should be (he is missing a whole pectoral so is not as agile as the big one at the shop)?
Sometimes they all go IN his mountain and hang out there til he moves out. They even sleep in his feeding dish.
He then evicts the clowns from their log and squeezes in there instead. The clowns are very put out looking when they go hang under the fake rock formation (hard to tell with their funny loachie faces).

Are tetras always so PESTY? I thought they were supposed to be skittish and shy. These brazen things are nowhere one minute and EVRYwhere the next. It is four penguins, four red phantoms (who actually act more tetralike) and 5 rummynose. 2 of the rummies are over 1 inch if that make a dif. The rest are all snack-size (I have seen Dutch snap at them once...he has a gaping maw with sharp icy needles around the inside. He could eat the small ones for sure. The clown kinda saunter around him. He looks at any directly and they go elsewhere.
I am sure with the big tank this summer, it will change? But still thought knives are supposed to be midnight snackers and tetras flighty.
They don't peck him or anything..the just hover an inch or two away doing that twitchy fin flick thing they all seem to do.

And everyone is suddenly growing! Darn high quality diets! But everyone is porking down the chow. The clowns cleaned up the floor better when they are not playing tag with each other and nosing around.
And the knife still comes up for his personal tidbits when I tap the edge 3 times (and he does not alow the clowns to try to snag it ^_^ They are getting quick on the uptake)
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