water change with guppy fries

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 17, 2003
Toronto CANADA
Hi.. due to the voracious appetite of my guppy mom and fries, I have been feeding the 10g tank 3 times a day. The fry are now 3 days old. I think I need to do a partial water change (I do it every saturday - 15%), but last weekend there were no fries. Someone told me if you water change, the fries will die as they cant absorb the shock.

Usually my water change is -> empty out 1.5 gallon (I have a measuring bucket exactly that capacity) of water from tank, fill new water from tap at approx same temp (use finger to "measure"), mix 1 teaspoon of aquasalt and add 1 cap of conditioner, then pour into tank.

Ever since the fries were born, I have been running my filter at min power, and feeding has gone to 3 times a day rather than 1. Should I do the water change? Any precautions I need to take? Thanx for replies.
I don't know about guppies but I do water changes with my platy fry. They are doing well. I have taken now special precautions with these guys (including special feeding or protection from filter or parents) and I have 4 of the original 9 left. 2 died after introduction to another tank (possibly eaten but unknown) and the other 3 disappeared. I still feed once a day, but there are lots of plants an algae for the little tikes as well.

But I assume that high ammonia levels would be much worse than a water change.

1 capful of condition sounds like an awful lot. The wardley brand I use is 3 drops per gallon. Perhaps you are using too much. Don't forget that you only have to dechlorinate the new water.
Hey ducas005 I have guppy fry and the do not seem to mind water changes at all. I make sure the new water comes in slowly. I use conditioner with my new water. My water sits for a week so it is room temperature when I put it in.. I don't use any salt at all with my guppys. I've heard it can be good for them but I have cory's in the same tank so I opt for no salt at all.

Do you have plants in your tank? I have some plants that float at the surface that help the fry hide where they like to hang out. They are good for the fry to hide from everyone that might want to eat them.

I also did not really increase the feeding with the fry. I just made sure that i grind up the food enought that it is some of it is small enought for the fry.

Good luck with your next set....
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