What could be wrong with my GBR?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 8, 2012
High Desert, S. California
I've asked for help on two other forums, and so far no one has replied. My GBR is in a 20 gallon tank along with a furcata Rainbow, 2 BN plecos, a Honey Gourami and some endlers.

She's usually very active and feisty. I noticed some "spots" on her head the other day but figured it was just her coloring, but there are more today, and she is suddenly hiding a lot of the time, or staying near the bottom, breathing heavily, but no faster than my other ram. The spots are really splotches, and they are white. She came out today when I fed the others, but didn't want to eat. This is not like her at all.

PH is 7.6, water temp is 80F. Ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 10.

I dosed the tank with Prazi Pro earlier hoping it might help. I also have Furan 2 and Kanaplex. I can order Metronidazole if you think that would be better. Also, I don't want to poison the plecos. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with her, and what I should do? Below is a pic of her, and you can see one of the splotches if you look carefully. Thank you!

How old is she? Most Blues only live to be 3 years old. I'm no expert, but it looks like she hurt herself and is probably trying to recuperate. I personally have seen fish get so hyper and energetic, run into a wall, and die a day later from it.
Are any other fish picking on her?
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Thank you for the reply, mas. She's a youngster--only about 6-7 months old. And no, if anything, she picks on other fish. None will cross her. She will chase the gourami very briefly, and sometimes the plecos too, to try to chase them away from their food. I guess it's possible she could have run into a wall. I sure hope she recovers from this.
Hard to tell without a close up but I'd look up hole in the head disease and hexamita and compare pictures with your ram. If it's either of those you'll need to medicate immediately. Spots on a GBR's head always gets me worried. :(

Good luck!
I have looked up pics, and it's really hard to tell what is going on with my fish, especially now that she doesn't want to be friendly, and hides most of the time. And I've medicated with Prazi Pro, so I guess we'll see if that helps. Thank you!
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