What next? I would like to add more fish and inverts!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 27, 2007
Marietta, GA
55G Planted Tank
CO2 injected
Dry Ferts
~80 degrees Farenheit

Plants (all pretty new, added 1 week ago):
Amazon Sword
Rotala rotundifolia
Dwarf water clover
Cryptocoryne wendtii bronze
Cryptocoryne lutea (walkeri)
Ludwigia ovalis
Bacopa (thanks for the ID rich311k)

1 Angel
2 Balas
2 Silver Dollars
2 Chinese Algae Eaters - Golden :twisted: (anyone wanna trade for these?)
4 Black Skirt Tetras
2 Zebra Danios
2 Red Wag Platys
1 Sunburst Platy
1 Gold Mystery Snail

I would like to add a some more danios to make it a school again, but i would also like to add some small school of more colorful fish, perhaps Neon Tetras or Rummy Nose Tetras. Does anyone see any issues with adding these or have any suggestions to add small colorful fish?

Also would like to add some other more colorful fish, perhaps some more Platys or something else colorful, any suggestions?

Also what other inverts can i put in here? i dont get very long life with my Mystery snails, ~ 1 yr at most. I would like for them to live longer if possible. I would like some other snails or shrimps, any suggestions?


Ghost Shrimp are an inexpensive choice, but most people here will tell you they don't last too long. Some have better luck than others. I find that feeding sinking shrimp pellets that break apart and get stuck between rocks, where only the shrimp can get to allows them to live longer. As soon as I removed some of the decorations in my tank, I noticed fewer and fewer shrimp. They need their hiding places.
i enjoy ghost shrimp, so long as they aren't too expensive. i have an issue with paying real money for animals that that i have used as feeders. :) i used tog et them for something like .09/each back in the day... now they sell them most everywhere for.40/each... !
I wouldn't add anything more. The angel, silver dollars, and balas will get plenty big (12-14") and will outgrow your tank.
mugginns said:
I wouldn't add anything more. The angel, silver dollars, and balas will get plenty big (12-14") and will outgrow your tank.

I've had the Angel, the Balas, and 1 of the Silver dollars for 3 yrs and the other Silver Dollar for 5 yrs. I had them originally in a 10 gallon tank. i dont think they are getting any bigger, they havent changed in the last 15 months i have had the 55 gallon.

Here is another picture of the plant i would like ID'ed, ihave seen it around and am sure it is pretty common. The one in the back....

Get rid of the balas and silver dollars, they get too big. A rainbow shark is better suited for that tank. A school of hatchet fish can take the place of the silver dollars (they kinda have a similar flat shape). Female bettas make for a nice splash of color. Ruby red pencilfish are also very colorful.
What does everyone think of the stunted growth of my fish? one would think a 5 y/o Silver Dollar would be bigger, as well as a 3y/o balas, angel, and other silver dollar.

Does keeping them in a small tank for an extended period of time actually halt or slow growth?
I know everyone says the balas will get too large, but when is this supposed to happen? The first 2 years i've had them, they were in a 10 gallon. They grew to the size they are now. They have been in the 55 gallon for the last 15 months. They havent changed at all in size. When is this large growth spurt supposed to happen? It seems all my fish grow slow. I have had friends get balas and angels since i have had mine, and they are already 2x the size in about 1/3 the time. Just curious.
Maybe they are stunted. That isn't always a good thing though as the internal organs don't always slow down to match the rate of the fish's body. If you want, keep them until they do get bigger.
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