Whoah!! How in the heck did this happen!?!?!?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 1, 2003
Here I am watching my fish having a nice relaxing time before I got to sleep when I notice something I haven't seen before. . . a snail. Now I have never had any snails in any tank ever. Where did he come from? I know guppies reproduce like crazy but I dont' think they produce snails ever and I dout the ghost shrimp have mutated.

Should I be concerned that my tank is sprouting new life from nothing?
If you have recently added plants in the tank, it is very possible that they were on the plants when you bought them from the store...
Not real plants now but maybe that's how I got it. I HAD a plant but it got devoured..
yeah if they're ramshorn or common pond snails they ate the plant. I'll be willing to bet that's what they are.
Live plants is how I got snails, and snails is how I lost my plant. :) It's a vicious cycle. I'll give you money if they didn't come from the plant.

just a common practice on introducing new plants is just to give them a rinse through first that removes any snail eggs or any other unwanted bugs from your plants
I had rinsed the plants but perhaps not enough. It was a Micro Sword. It was my fish that ate the plants that I know.. They ate the plant quickly too, in a matter of two days it was all gone.
When I sell live plants from my LFS I always give them a dip in a strong solution of Salt water. That will kill most of the hidden eggs.
Its always recommended to QT plants as well as fish before putting them into a main tank. Never know whats coming along with them.

That being said, I got a plant order yesterday and the only tank I can put them in is the tank they're supposed to go into LOL My QT has snails. I purchased a dip called LIME-IT. Its supposed to kill snails, snail eggs, hydra, etc. We'll see how it works as i dipped the plants and they're in the tank now *fingers crossed* Potassium permanganate and alum are also recommended dips; never used em.
Heh, forgot about copper. I tend to avoid that as I've heard it cam be harsh on sensitive plants. Works tho :)
I actually think my problem has been solved... I can no longer find the snail and the eel is looking rather pleased with himself. On another note. I added a cobolt blue crawfish. If there are anymore sneaky snails around will he help the eel and take care of them? And I know that eventually the eel will get big enough to eat him.. but I am goignto move the eel to a bigger tank once he gets to a certain size.
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