For Sale: Fish and Inverts- updated 7/2/11

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Hi, I'm interested in 3 Asian Stone Catfish. Can you send me a quote for overnight shipping to 10012? Also is it too hot to ship these fish? High will be around 90 degrees next week. Should I wait until it's cooler? Thanks.
Overnight shipping would be $29, Priority mail 2 day estimated would be $9. Both carry a live arrival guarantee. As long as someone is available to receive the package and it doesn't sit outside, they would be fine.
Thanks HN1,

I'll take Priority Mail instead. I also want to add 3 red nose shrimps. I have paypal. Thanks.
i have 2 gbr's 7 dwarf gourami's 3xray tetra's 2 sail fin mollys, and 2 sa bumblebee cat fish. oh and 2 mm platys. my question is would a dbl red apistogramma or a aphyosemion australe be a good fit with my tank? i don't have any aggression now and want to keep it that way. thanks
No. I'm afraid that I wouldn't recommend adding an apisto, killie or anything else.
Nope and hopefully they won't be proven before they have new homes! We have enough fish! lol
We're out of the Tiger shrimp for now. Sorry.
It is entirely dependent on where you actually are based on the postal routes. Send one of us a PM with your zip and we can be accurate.

The only guppies we have are colony breeders right now. Sorry.
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