For Sale: Updated stock list 5/10/11

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Do you have any Amano shrimp? If so what size (I don't want them to get eaten by my anglefish). If they are the above said 1.5 inches then I will take 6 of them. Ship to 84093

Edit: I got my parents permission :)

PM coming from SM.

do you have any blue schooling fish? other than the kerris?

Unfortunately, none that would be appropriate in your tanks.
Any celestial pearl danios yet? I can't wait for more of them. Awesome little fish.
How much would shipping be for a few snails? I'm interested in those nerites.

Shoot me a PM with your zip code, it's probably going to be $7-8 for the shipping, but once I know your zip I can tell you exactly. :)
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