what you see is what you get low light - medium low light plant package

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 13, 2007
so cali
what you see is what you get low light - medium low light sample plant package
$25 plus shipping. shipping will be $6 plus $2 for 72 hour heat pack or $1 for 40 hour heat pack.

Anacharis java fern needle leaf java fern flame moss corkscrew val pennywort clover Rotala indica Ludwigia repens Ammania gracilis giant hygro green hygro willow hygro plus another one or two hygros amazon sword Mayaca fluviatilis Ludwigia peruensis HM riccia eusteralis stellata microswords

i have some guppy grass hornwort and a couple others to toss in just didnt want to remove them from their tanks. thats 20+ plants.

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