WTB Free Plants

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 12, 2009
Chicago, IL
Hi all...I am restarting my tank. It is currently cycling, but I wanted to get started with my aquascaping before I put any little guys in there.

I recently moved and am now getting settled into my new apartment. So, it's time to get the tank rocking :).

I currently have 3.5 wpg and all the ferts and supplements that I need as well as a CO2 setup. I am looking for colourful and textured plants. Hoping to save some money through acquiring clippings and donations. I will willing to pay for shipping.

Some things I would be interested in:
Red Ammannia
Purple or Red Cabomba
Golden Lloydiella
Red Myrio
Red Nesaea
various crypts
Red Tiger Lotus/Lily
Anubias nana petite

Anyone have some extras they can ship to me. I would be ever sooo thankful!!!
If you put this up earlier I would have been happy to send you my crypt lutea. It has since been composted lol.
I got this weedy plant I got from some chick in chicago, different crypts, swords, I really dont know all I know is they grow great in my tank with 3.1 wpg and Co2.

Do you have a car? I didnt ask last time I saw you, thinking when I trim you can swing out and they dont have to ship and you can pick what you want? I dunno I truly am not a biologist yet.
I got a list but im having communication issues with my back up HDD so I cant access it now but its everything you had and then some.
Lovely...well I am mostly looking for some bunched plants...I have a new melon sword and a couple random crypts in the tank now. They are all small at the moment.

I would be happy to take some cabomba and any reddish or yellow colour stuff you have. Also, if that lotus can be split yet, I would love to have a piece :). Otherwise, I am looking for some deep red, orange, and some yellow :)

I do not have a car, but I am in Lincoln Park again. Would love if you have some time after your next trim to make a donation...or I can paypal you some money for shipping.
:wave: Hi Kai

I still owe you some nana petite and i have lots of asian ambulia i can send to ya. dont suppose you want some jungle vals? unfortunately most of my colorful plants didnt survive a recent location change.
:wave: Hi Kai

I still owe you some nana petite and i have lots of asian ambulia i can send to ya. dont suppose you want some jungle vals? unfortunately most of my colorful plants didnt survive a recent location change.

Well hello there :D

I would love a piece of the nana petite!!! No worries on the ambulia though, WhiteDevil is going to stock me with some. I would take some jungle vals, but I dose my tank occassionally with Excel even though I have CO2 if there is an algae issue and I hear they would just melt. Got anything else that you will be trimming soon? Am interested in texture or color :D
If the plants are "free" are you truly buying them? Haha, I kid. There's some really generous people on this forum...
If the plants are "free" are you truly buying them? Haha, I kid. There's some really generous people on this forum...

Well I am looking for free cuttings for which I am willing to pay for shipping, or reasonable proposals for other cuttings from hard to find plants.

I have been wanting to get my hands on some red nesaea for a long time. I would be willing to pay for it and shipping from anyone who has some.
You can buy tiger lotus from Walmart or Petsmart in bulb form. You'll probably get maybe 50-75% sprouting, and the others you should take out and leave dry for awhile. I took some bulbs out for awhile because they didn't sprout, and like 6 months later decide to plop them back in the tank, and voila.
Come pick em up and you can pick em out of the tank. I dont have what you are looking for though but they are free and very healthy.

My husband and I are looking to plant our 75gallon. Anyone have any easy to grow plants besides java fern, anacharis, or cabomba? Our pet stores have a very limited selection and most of it is half dead looking. We have 2 48" T5 bulbs and that's it. We had some jungle val that we loved years ago, but our tank became infested with a bunch of black hairy looking algea so we removed it all. If anyone has some cheap or free plants, that you think we could sucessfully keep let me know. I can pay shipping if it's reasonable.
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