Dwarf Crayfish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 1, 2014
Ontario Canada
I got a Mexican Orange Crayfish. I've noticed a few dead shrimp since I got him.

Does anybody have any experience with them? Will they eat my cherry shrimp?

Any help will be welcomed. I'm thinking about moving him.
I love my CPO... I have never had them kill my shrimp. They will eat dead shrimp, though.

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Not only are they too slow, they can only swim backward, where shrimp can swim forwards too. So unless a shrimp is sick or dying, or they happen to find one just after it moults and before the new shell hardens, they won't have much luck catching shrimp. I've seen a pic of a cherry shrimp riding on a CPO.

Being scavengers, just like shrimp are, of course they'll eat any dead thing they find, including each other.
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