Shrimp Quest by AutumnSky Pt 2 Not long!

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Sorry about the last one being long.

Tomorrow I am picking up 30 or so Cherry shrimp all ages and sizes. Some blue, some red and some tan.

I am trading a bunch of my guppies for these guys! (y)

The tank has been running for over two years and healthy. It is clean, seasoned filter pads and 0 ammonia and good water params.
Sand, rocks, plants. I am going to add a pre-filter for the HOB filter. Thinking of a sponge filter to add to the tank. 18 gal.

I have my friendly Betta in there atm, but he's moving back to the other tank to hang out the few guppies that are left.

Also my Bamboo shrimp... and two Amano shrimp are in there? Should I move them?

Help and comments are appreciated. Thank you. :dance:
New shrimp Cherry Blue

Well, traded 44 guppies for 35-40 shrimp. And when I say shrimp I mean shrimp!!!

Some are so tiny I can barely see them lol.

There are blue and reddish and clear/tan/yellow ones. The guy I got them from said he gets about 25% blue. So I am interested in how it turns out.

Anyone else get blue on a regular basis, from just common cherries?

About 20 are actually big enough to see, but are young, the only fully colored red one died by the time I got home, could have been dead when I got it.

6 of the blue ones went into the 6.6 Edge so I could see them better/closer. There are so many plants and rocks I can't even see them!

The rest went to the 18 gallon and the first day I didn't see much activity.

Checked the water and had .25 ammonia so I think the guys water wasn't the cleanest since I tested that morning and had 0. But I mixed his water and mine then did a 1/3 pwc. It was back to 0.

In the past few days I see them all over the tank. I am feeding them Hikari Shrimp food.

I will be taking out my Bamboo shrimp and putting him into another tank, since I don't think it will work with the Bamboo shrimp, filter feeding for him, keeping the water clean for the dwarfs.

Having fun watching them. I am planning on getting a bunch more from either the LFS or a breeder in a nearby town, haven't seen them in person yet. That way they will be mixed for breeding purposes.

Substrate - 6.6 Edge had black sand, but the 18G has white sand and they look whiter now and less color, so I am thinking of adding a bag of black sand and maybe some darker natural blended in to look like beach sand. Any ideas?

Help me on my shrimp quest!
My Normal pure Cherries so far throw clear to deep red. No Blue. Mixed (mutt) Shrimp can throw all kinds of colors, but if you don't cull out the low grade ones you can end up with all original "wild" dull brown colored Shrimp.

Neocaridina species can cross breed.
Sounds like yours have several crosses.
Pick the best, sell the rest.
Some changes.

Thank you for the tip.

The red ones are getting more and more color every few days as they are growing.

I like blue so I was hoping they would make more blue ones. The guy I got them from had them all together and never indicated he had separated them to try to get any better color, he said he had had them for a couple years and they bred very well.

There is another local seller who has some with blue so next time he has them I am going to try to get a few of the blue ones from him to try to breed with mine.

The guy I got mine from, his water was stinky so I think they must have been pretty hardy to live in gross water. lol

I did a 1/3 pwc after getting a reading of close to .25. Tested after the pwc and got the same.

Then I tested my tap water it is coming out registering around .25 ammonia, I am picking up more Prime tomorrow to help fix that. Currently I am using some API water conditioner. I got a huge bunch of L. Reptens from Dragonfish71 and Stargrass as well as some Salvinia Minima which should help clean the water.

I moved my Bamboo shrimp to my community tank where he should get more food.
I read a few days ago that cherry red shrimp can have a few blue offspring. They say if you remove the blue ones and keep pbly the blue together then you will get blue ones every time they breed. I don't know how true this is but I read about it on a few different sites.
Coursair said:
My Normal pure Cherries so far throw clear to deep red. No Blue. Mixed (mutt) Shrimp can throw all kinds of colors, but if you don't cull out the low grade ones you can end up with all original "wild" dull brown colored Shrimp.

Neocaridina species can cross breed.
Sounds like yours have several crosses.
Pick the best, sell the rest.

Fact. Be careful with all those colors
Blue Cherries

For these Cherries, my main interest would be the blue.

I am waiting for them to grow up so I can get an idea for the best color. I haven't seen the other local sellers blue Cherries in person just a pic but I am hoping I can see them in his tank so I can get a good idea of how blue the adults will look.

The ones I have now are still very small especially the majority of blue ones. Some were just specs barely noticeable but I ask him for lots of blue if he could do it so I hope they live and it was worth the trade off of larger red shrimp.

How long does it take for Cherries to grow up and mature to breeding age?
New Shrimp Coming

I am picking up 60 mixed Cherry shrimp this next week, guarantee of 30 blue but will have babies too and mostly little young ones.

How many do you think can go into the 6.6 Edge tank?

My reds are coming along and I changed the background from nothing on the back to graduated blue to see if that could improve their color. I think instead of changing the white sand right now, I will look for some really flat, thin river stones in the blue, grey, black colors to darken it up a bit.

Any other ideas? I thought maybe some Fluval shrimp substrate layer or Eco maybe and I could always sift out the white fine sand later If I felt like changing all of it???

The blues turned out to get at least one natural wild tiger looking one and a few red. I will try to get the reds into the red tank and the little blue ones from the red tank into the blues tank LOL.

When I get the new shipment they will all probably go together into the red bigger tank until I can see which ones are really blue.
Im thinking of getting a new species, babaulti or crystalblack or crystalred, nut they are expensive.
I like Blue Babaulti and I like the green Babaulti too, I was planning on having some of the green. I was reading about adding some special foods to the blue shrimp to add more blue color, specific types of algae, seaweed and some other thing can't remember right now.

The dwarf shrimp hobby is really taking off, in interest and new color shrimp, the next few years should bring some amazing colors offered for sale.
Yes, I will get some and post them to my shrimp album on my profile by Saturday night, maybe tonight. They are in a very planted little tank, I hope they cooperate! When I put them up I will post again to let you know.
Yes, I will get some and post them to my shrimp album on my profile by Saturday night, maybe tonight. They are in a very planted little tank, I hope they cooperate I already fed them this morning! When I put the pics up I will post again to let you know.
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